TCM is great for problems that can't be fixed quickly with western medicines. for example, if you were to have a cold, you could take western medicine to relief the symptoms of the cold. TCM however gets to the heart of the problem and helps your body to overcome the problem altogether. As TCM needs to be taken over a long period of time it is not so useful for a cold or quick relief of a cough for example.
my wife has decided to boil it herself and bought one of these contraptions for around HK$200.
little did she know it is quite a time consuming process...
first all the ingredients need to be soaked in 3 cups of water for 30min. next with a flick of the switch the soaked ingredients are boiled for 45min. at this stage our apartment smells just like a TCM shop...
after straining you are left with 1 cup of black bitter liquid.
you can now make the next mornings drink by adding another 2 cups of water and boiling for 30min.
these ingredients will change after each visit to the doctor (about once a week). this weeks batch was made up of the following:
- 丁香 : cloves
- 三棱 : bur-reed seeds
- 莪朮 : curcuma roots
- 青皮 : mandarin skins
- 枳 : Chinese bitter orange skins
- 白朮 : atractylodes
- 茯苓 : hoelen mushrooms
- 淮山 : yam roots
- 香附 : coco-grass seeds
- 續斷 : Himalayan teasel roots
- 川楝子 : szechwan chinaberries
- 小茴香 : fennel seeds
- 薏苡仁 : coix seeds
- 延胡索 : corydalis yanhusuo roots
at least it seems to be working!
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