come to think of it the only letters i get now are from my grandparents. they don't do computers...
but they are very good at writing in that amazing calligraphy style that only the elderly can master.
even knowing that my letter box seldomly surprises me with a letter but rather another blimmin utility bill, i still check it everyday after work,
guess what my letter box gave me last night....
hang-on, before i get to that, let me introduce to you the view from my apartment.

i fell in love with this view from the moment i set eyes on it.
the thing i like the most, is that no day is the same.
amazing on a sunny day or rough and brutal when a typhoon hits.
either way this view calms me.
the geeky side of me even thought (for a split-second) about taking a photo everyday of the year to see the changes take place. sad huh.
it wouldn't work though as i would have to skip days when i was away and the perfectionist in me wouldn't like that.
ok, i'm gonna brag for a second.
check-out my lightning shot! i seriously just aimed and shot right when the lightning struck! i was pretty shocked at having captured the bolt that i tried a few more time but i couldn't do it again.
so yeah, back to my grouch.
this is a picture from a government proposal which i found in my letter box.

what the heck?!
this is what the blimmin Hong Kong government plans to make of my view!
check this out, they wanna make this monstrous 4-laned bridge to the island you can see on the other side of my delightful bay.
but that's not all, the bridges' off ramp will run through the plot of land beside my apartment (now a lush green bush area).... the remanding lush-green-bush will be cut down to make way for more apartments, a promenade and a small man-made park. WTF!
i'm sure the whole reason why people moved out here was to get away from such development that is happening everywhere else in Hong Kong.
the Hong Kong government is actually notorious for caring out crazy redevelopment projects here.
the most famous is probably when they tore down the historical Star Ferry's Central Pier to make way for a 4-laned highway.... sh*t it's happening again...
the pier housed the last and only outdoor mechanical clock built by the same company who built Big Ben.
and you guessed it, it's gone.... the new pier located further down the harbour looks like something out of disney land with no resemblance of the old edwardian design. because of it's new location the number of people using the ferry service has dropped.... i so wanna say "nah nah nah nah nah~!" to the government's face.
there are many many more amazing historical places which locals needed for their livelihood and tourists alike loved to see in Hong Kong which have now been lost by the governments so called urban planning. i really wonder when the government here will realise that people don't want to come to Hong Kong and only see brand-spanking new shopping malls and congested highways, but wanna walk through the local outdoor markets and experience the real Hong Kong.
i probably won't be here when this proposed bridge actually gets built, but i really feel for my local neighbourhood...
oh my what an amazing place you live at! if this wasn't a blog that anybody cn read, I would have asked where this is!
And...they are going to build a bridge...? gosh....we human just ruin our own home, don't we.
i love getting letters and packages in the post! too bad, as you say, it's a seldom thing nowadays....
* pascale
yes! who's crazy idea was it to build a bridge and destroy the natural environment!! let's hope everyone complains and the plan falls apart!
* Luuworld
mmm, although i can't believe i once got by without the internet, i still miss those letters and stamped envelopes...there is something so exciting about a red & blue striped airmail letter!
Kick ass bolt!!!
I miss that view. Hope you don't mind us chillin there again soon I promise I'll bring some beer.
The worst part of the bridge plan is the long process it's gonna take to build and how it's gonna look like during that time. It's gonna be a mess! Hope the plan falls.
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