i think a business card case says a lot about a person and i always check out my clients' card cases when we meet.
for me there is nothing worst than meeting a client who produces their business card straight from their pocket, all warm and bent.
nor do i like those clients who take pride in their appearance only to be using a faux luxury brand card case. it's just wrong.
lucky for some, here in hong kong luxury brand-lovers can find any luxury brand name shop there is.
as i'm not a full-on luxury brand lover, i was on the hunt for a card case that didn't fall into this category but was still made with high craftsmanship. i wanted a card case which was unique; an original.
not an easy task finding one here in brand-heaven hong kong...
a few weeks ago i gave up on the "unique" concept and checked out stores such as prada, d&g, tods, dior homme, mulberry... the list goes on.
although i found some pretty nice card cases, i knew it wasn't what i really wanted.
so i checked out my favorite leather store; lianca, where i have been a loyal customer for the past six or so years. this is where i bought my current well-loved case and where i finally bought my new one.
i think i'm in the mood to meet some new clients now.

basement, no.27 staunton street
looks nice. bet it smells wonderful. love the smell of new leather! :)
* Luuworld
i love the smell of leather too! i'm in heaven when ever i go to this store, great smell, great goodies, great sales staff.
i knew you had something going on with leather...
nice choice! very you too. :)
Hmm. Never thought leather could be an alternative for some high times. Gotta try.
* pascale
yes, i think i made the right choice!
but... now i'm too scared to use it! it's made from python skin (sorry snake-y) so i know i have to take good care of it.
my last card case was also made from python skin and now is smooth and shiny!
* GL
if you wanna "rush" just go into any leather shop, it does it for me!
and you don't even have to buy anything!
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