took the super smooth shinkansen or bullet train up to nagano prefecture (長野県); k-chans home town.
it's only a 90-min ride but the hustle and bustle of tokyo seems years away.
up here i'm greeted to crisp fresh air, rich green rice fields and the familiar smells of summer.
we found this cool wafu (japanese-style) cafe where we stopped by and treated ourselves to lunch.
the guy running it said that he and his partner decided to turn this traditional home (formally his grandparents home) into a cafe.
it's got a nice homely vibe to it and in keeping with the original house is decorated with items from the showa period.
enjoying the warm summer breeze we tucked into a delicious yet simple lunch.
the homemade soup used organic vegetables from local producers along with the coffee which was also made from organic beans.
there was even a small selection of organic vegetables on sale for those who wanted to savour the natural sweetness at home.
next to the garden was a small photo gallery displaying the works of his wife(?)/partner(?) (rica koike) from her trip to france.
if you are in the area, yushi cafe is definitely worth checking out.
cafe info:
yushi cafe
2379 kyowa
saku city, nagano
WOW!! Never seen anything like it. Definitely only in JPN...
When we were at 富良野 we bumped into a similar cafe but it was like a half-house half cafe integration instead of the whole house being a cafe. It was really relaxing so I kinda know what you mean.
But slim chance to be in Nagano.
The food sure looks tasty.
i saw quite a few cafes with similar style this time in japan, i think it might be a bit of a tend. a lot of pride and effort is taken to make the cafe so relaxing.
in saying that though, yushi cafe opened 5-years ago!
* Badass Geek
the food WAS amazing! Can seldom go wrong with food in japan, although the soya sauce flavored ice cream i tried during my trip was not "up there" so to speak...
what a cool cafe! i love how it looks so homey!
when i look at these pics i wish i lived in asia so i could travel to japan more often. i haven't been there for 7 years. i'm itiching to go but the airfare is so expensive! :-(
* Luuworld
even living in asia japan is quite expensive to get to... but i guess it's a hell of a lot cheaper than flying from your side of the world!
mmm, i really wanna go to europe and catch up with my friends.
if only airfaires were not so expensive!! (and i had more holidays...)
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