well with the constant rain we have been having you would think i was visiting a blimmin rain forest in some sub-tropical land.
at least the sheila (women) on the telly is saying that we are in for a brilliant crissy (christmas).
the rain kinda held back a bit today so we grabbed at the opportunity and ducked out for a flat white at one of my dad's local cafes; alimento cafe.

i couldn't resist having a brunch of eggs benidicts; very yum.
the cake i had afterwards was way too sweet for my liking so i let dad finish it up for me. think i must be used to less-sweet japanese sweets.
the cafe culture in new zealand is great; kinda shocked at the price of a coffee now though. i remember when they were like nz$2.50, now about $4!
seriously good coffee though.
cafe info:
alimento cafe
72 first avenue
tauranga 3110
let me say this - damn you! i'm now really missing a flat white and the optimisim of a kiwi café. there's quite a bit of tiredness inside the cafes here.
oh no, rain in tauranga. christchurch is having a pre christmas heat wave. when we were over this time of year in 2008, it was serious jersey weather in the south island.
i'm crossing my fingers for bbq christmas weather for nz & a white christmass for us!
brunch looks delicious and your baby is so cute too!
Wowza. what is up with expensive coffee? O.O
But I suppose, you do pay for the ambiance and all that.
Hope you have a blessed and happy holidays with your family! :)
i have to admit that i have never had eggs benidict but now i will stop at nothing for one ... it looks so yummy! and it looks so WARM there...JEALOUS
* Mary
flat whites are so amazing! i'm really gonna miss these when i get back to japan.
must say that when i was living in europe i was surprised at how "tired" many of the cafes were.
something i was surprised to see over here was the increase of those blimmin sta*bucks cafes; so don't suit nz's cafe culture!
* shellie
thank's for the comment!
brunch was divine, a bit rich but a well deserved treat (well i think so anyway)
* gingerbee
you're back! lol
hope you are enjoying the festive season over your way too!
* chibi
oh you so have to try eggs benedict; seriously good brunch food. i wonder if there is a place in tokyo which makes a good eggs benedict!? if you find one let me know as i'm moving there next month.
Nothing like a good brunch served with really good coffee. I've never heard of cafes being referred to as "tired" but methinks I get whatcha mean.
It's an adventure in Malaysia also, looking for a decent cafe with soul. But a worthy challenge. :)
* Life for Beginners
maybe a "tired cafe" is a kiwi term. mmm...
there are so many excellent cafes in new zealand. we have a great cafe culture over here.
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