this year K gave me a nice surprise; BVLGARI pour homme soir

oh bugger!
he only models BVLGARI's aqva marine fragrance, so i'm left looking like my usual self...
but with a to-die-for smell!
thanks all the same K, you made my day, yet again.
I was about to run and get it if you miraculously changed yourself with the perfume.
Just kidding.
But very sweet of your K for the lovely gift. I am curious, what did you get her?
looks good although ve not tried it :o)
* pascale
hey, i'm sure your husband is fine just the way he is! although if perfume really could do that i think i would be buying it by the truck load!
what did i buy K? well here's the thing... i planned to buy something in switzerland, but coukdn't find anything "suitable"...
so we went out for a nice dinner when i got back in HK
do you guys celebrate it?
* Terence Sambo
hey, thanks for the comment!
this one smells very different on me than in the store (often the case)
you should give it a try~
take care of k! we like guys who give us presents! lol
ps, yummy model!
* Luuworld
that sounds so like a hint to me... i generally don't sent guys i've never met gifts! and we can't buy dark chocolate in hong kong!
lol, i didn't mean it as a hint to you! :-p
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