anyway, i always believe that you can tell a person from their shoes and their bag, so i generally take pride in selecting shoes and bags which reflect me as an individual.
no... it's not only girls who like shoes and bags. this is 2009 you know.
as 98% of my shoes are made from leather, i
so yeah, this humidity does wonders for my shoes. one day they are beautifuly crafted handmade leather shoes and the next day they have magically turned into furry slippers (read that as a mold overdose...)
s**t don't get me started on what the humidity does to my hair!
anyway, off track slightly...
so i saw these lovely wooden shoe trees and had to pop into the shop and check them out.
unfortunately they were quite expensive (i had to save some cash for my well deserved drinks).

the well trained sales guy pointed out some other ones that were not as beautiful but did the same job for a much more reasonable price. so after a bit of uming and ahing i proudly walked out with a few sets of shoe trees and a lovely brass-duck shoe horn. a random purchase.
so now i'm the right gentleman (minus tophat and cane) on a treat-my-shoes-with-care mission.
yes i know, the other ones are better...

mmm, but with this purchase has come another delemar...
i think i ought to buy some nice new leather shoes to really test out my shoe trees.
i've put my new shoe trees to good use though, giving my old shoes a good stretching.

oh, a word of gentleman advise; if you are going to purchase some shoe trees,
oh, and lastly, did you know there is a shoe tree (um, the other kind) in naveda.

(picture found on this random person's blog; thanks)
へ~I thought this is called shoe keeper.
is it Japanese English??
beautiful shoes you have, Ive never seen you wearing these. very sexy.
I didn't know they are called shoe-trees.
Nice name.
Your last photo reminded me of Boston...where there are shoes hanging by trees...and if you follow them, that's where the drugs are sold! a rumour...never followed it...didn't have the gut.
But if I know it, police would know and they would have got rid of may be it's not true :p
But it's exactly how it's hanged, (like your last photo) but just 1 or 2 .. hehe
* merlion
hey, i always put on my bestest sexiest shoes when i see you!
i even went shoe-shopping with you, remember?
wow, i learnt something new now. didn't know about shoe trees. nice invention! doubt i'll have any use for them in my life though. don't think the shoes i wear need shoe trees :-p
i didn't even know shoe-trees exist.
Shoes and bags. Interesting. I need to becareful next time.
i'm gonna go wax my shoe now.
* pascale
if that's the case then im sure you could buy a huge stash of drugs in nevada!
wonder what you can buy at the famous hk wishing tree (林村許願樹), you know the one where everyone throws oranges at it?!?!
* Luuworld
i've got lots of useful info up my sleeve if you need any more. that's not an invitation for you to come over and undress me! lol
i wonder if those "expensive" shoe trees are cheap in europe (norway). they do seem very british...
* GL
long time no see.
you need to becareful next time? about what?
hope you gave your shoe a good rub-down and polish!
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