and finding a cruise was no exception.
we finally selected a tour which was not too rushed, not too expensive, and hopefully not too touristy.
i was hoping that we might just have the boat to ourselves, being the so called "off-season"...
man was i wrong. it was full! and a real mixture too; some rough aussies, noisy hong kong-ese, some laid back europeans, a handful of chinese and an super cute boy (as in 6-years old).
after a one hour speed boat ride which saw one of the chinese guys bring up his breakfast... we had left phuket province and arrived at maya bay situated on phi phi lee island (เกาะพีพีเล) in the krabi province.
maya bay was the location for leonardo dicapio's film the beach, so the beautiful picturesque photos in the brochure were obviously taken minus the hordes of tourists!
our speed boat parked up alongside all the other speed boats and we were given some time for a dip in the warm crystal clear water. imagine what this bay would have been like before fox studios laid their eyes on it!

we then dived overboard at loh samah bay with its towering limestone cliffs and snorkeled amongst schools of colorful fish darting in and out of the coral reef.

next stop was phi phi don island (เกาะพีพีดอน) where after a quick stop at monkey beach where one of the aussies got a

last stop on the tour was khai nok island with its small white sandy beach and emerald green water teaming with small tropical fish who ate bananas right out of our hands! now that was pretty cool.
if the stupid monkeys hadn't want to bite us they would have got to eat more bananas, but nooooo, they bit so we gave the sweet bananas to the little fish.
so glad these fish could distinguish between my little banana and my big banana *wink wink*

so although it was all a bit too touristy for my liking, i'm glad i took the tour just to see some of these islands and their tropical inhabitants.
after all that frolicking dinner tasted amazing!
spicy tom yam goong, a spicy/sour pork-noodle salad, green curry and of course a cold thai chang beer.
and all for 200 bahts!

mmmm. the food pic....! delicious food with an ice cold beer. that's heaven! :-D
ps- my email: LUU@@BADTZMAIL.COM
* Luuworld
isn't thai food great!
i love that feeling of satisfaction when sitting outside in the warm night air enjoying spicy food washed down with an ice cold beer!
usually it's the simple things in life which often bring the greatest pleasure!
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