did you know that the hong kong government is super duper powerful?
no, i'm not talking about their close relationship with the mother land in beijing, i'm talking about how they can discretely control our weather!
yesterday afternoon typhoon "goni" was heading towards hong kong so naturally the talk in the office was all focused on how we might get tomorrow (today) off work.
you see, typhoons in hong kong have a numbering system; T1, T3, then it skips to T8 then T9 and finally T10. obviously the government doesn't know anything about number sequences...
anything higher than a T8 and we don't have to work.
if we are in the office we have two hours to get home before all public transport comes to a complete stand-still. (you can read more about this in a post i did last year).
so excitement was in the air last night as T3 was in force and the city was getting ready for a signal T8.
k-chan went out and stocked up on some yummy japanese snacks for us as we were both looking forward to sleep-in, laze around the apartment and watch dvds all day.
just before turning in for the night the T8 signal was raised. i went to bed with the wind howling, the sea outside my apartment all chopped up and the rain peltering at my windows.
yippie! looks like we won't have to work tomorrow!!
but man was i wrong (along with rest of hong kong...)
yet again the T8 signal was cancelled in the morning just in time for all us poor workers to head off to the office.
seriously, i'm sure the government is controlling these typhoons!!
T8 is either raised at night when most of us are tucked up in bed or on the weekend ruining all our leisurely plans.
the last typhoon we had in august conveniently arrived on the weekend... go figure.
people in hong kong are definitely overworked so why the heck can't a typhoon decide to slam into hong kong on a weekday, during working hours!!
its totally hilarious!! lolx... it reminds me of my sis tried not to go to school last time by rubbing her forehead with hot water and told mum that she had fever, but by the time she reached to my mum it got cold lolx and she still had to go school afterall
Totally agree. It's like almost EVERY single time T8 pops up at night and then it's gone in the morning. The weather was actually worst after they took off T8.
And what's with the names...
it's a total conspiracy! lol. the hk government obviously cannot stand to see its subjects staying at home watching dvd's all day! i will never do a work exchange with you! haha!
* Ethan C.
oh the tricks i used to get up to when i was "younger"...
i used to rub a pencil on my skin where my sister had punched me so it looked like i had a huge bruise! she always denied hitting me!
* GL
thank god i'm not the only one who is getting scepticle of the timing of T8s!
something really fishy going on here...
oh and the names!!
someone must be having one too many drinks in the observatory office!!
maybe i should get a job there!!
* Luuworld
imagine if us "workers" stayed at home watched dvds all day realizing how fun it is to take a day off once in a while.
our minds would be "europeanized".
oh the shock horror!!
hence this blimmin typhoon conspiracy...
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