when i was a kid i never had a rubber erasor collection or a glitzy sticker album, but i tell you what, through age i've developed a thing for plain (some might say "boring") simple stationary.
gotta have clean lines and monotone colors.
much to k-chan's disapproval, when ever i get the chance i peek into local stationary shops (have to be old-school style ones, the new ones stock all the same boring mass produced stuff) for a bit of a rummage.
yesterday i went looking for a squared notebook for some kanji study (yes, i've decided to brush-up on my kanji) and found these neat "local" exercise books. i'm so gonna enjoy studying kanji again by using these beauties.

gotta have clean lines and monotone colors.
much to k-chan's disapproval, when ever i get the chance i peek into local stationary shops (have to be old-school style ones, the new ones stock all the same boring mass produced stuff) for a bit of a rummage.
yesterday i went looking for a squared notebook for some kanji study (yes, i've decided to brush-up on my kanji) and found these neat "local" exercise books. i'm so gonna enjoy studying kanji again by using these beauties.
I used those exact same notebooks when I was at school in HK. Geez I feel old now.
Let's just say you have good taste. :)
that's funny- these kind of exercise books are the same all over the world! the look, the paper...even the smell i can imagine is the same. (i have this thing about smelling paper- i like the differences in smell, depending on the type of paper!)
good luck with the kanjji! when i lived in japan and when i studied japanese at uni, i knew a lot of kanji, but now i've forgotten so many. reading is ok, but writing is more tricky!
and k-chan shouldn't be upset at you for going crazy with the books. your baby can use them! :-D
* pascale
wow, these must really be ancient!
hahaha, just kidding.
when i lay eyes on them i could tell they were pretty old-school, and really cheap too.
when i get the chance i'm gonna go back in search of a few more.
Damn now you leave me no choice but to brush up on 'em also.
I can type em but when it comes to writing......
* Luuworld
you have a sniffing fetish! lol
hope it only relates to paper...
mmm, but you are right about different paper smells. i love the smell of new magazines, especially mens-non-no. (maybe it's the glue used for binding?).
i once read that many people need to go to the toilet (#2) when they visit a book store because something about the smell of books give you the urge.
and yes, you're right, i can study kanji again with my little one. scary thought that one day he will no doubt know more kanji than me...
* GL
i'm sure you know more than me...
in this computer age (man that makes me sound old) it's so easy to type kanji, but when it comes to pen and paper i soon find myself at a lost.
Luuworld's not the only one with a smelling fetish... ;)
I love exercise books... they are just fun (when you don't have real homework to do, that is)! :P
* Life for Beginners
oh, another sniffer aye!
why do i have a funny feeling that your one is not for paper though...
yes, homework sucks. i don't think i could ever go back to being a student again. if they cut out the homework i'd go back in a jiffy!
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